TheH Year: 2009's Wins, Fails and Mehs
31 December2009, 18:20
Bài đượcđưa lên Internet ngày: 31/12/2009
by DjWalker-Morgan
Chàomừng việc site H nhìn lại năm 2009. Chúng tôi đã phânloại mội vài sự kiện bằng những gì H nghĩ ai thắng(Win), ai thua (Fail) và ai chẳng thắng cũng chẳng thua(Meh). Từ những người khổng lồ và cách mà họ vậnhành nguồn mở và cộng đồng cho cuộc chiến để trởthành trình duyệt tốt nhất, và từ nguồn mở tốt nhấtcho tới các bước thất bại trong cộng đồng.
Welcometo The H's look back at 2009. We've categorised events by what The Hthinks was fullof win,who was getting on the failboatand what made us just say "Meh".F-rom the corporate giants and how they handled open source and thecommunity to the battle to be the best browser, and f-rom the best newopen source to the worst mis-steps in the community.
Nhữngngười khổng lồ nặng 800lb: Microsoft và Google
The 800lbGorillas: Microsoft and Google
Win- Microsoft makes first GPL code donation to Linux -Microsoft donatedGPL code to Linux in 2009. True, the move was self-serving inthat it was drivers to support its Hyper-V virtualisation, but it wasstill code being released under the GPL by Microsoft. This in turngave hope that Microsoft were starting to get open source and freesoftware at some level...
Fail- Microsoft violating the GPL - Laterin the year, it all went wrong on Microsoft's doorstep. Afteranalysingthe code of Microsoft's Windows 7 USB Download tool, a keen-eyedcoder noticed that parts of the code had a distinct similarity to aGPL licensed program, ImageMaster, hosted on Microsoft's own Codeplexproject hosting site. Microsoft withdrewthe tool, said a third party had done it and acceptedresponsibility, eventuallyreleasinga GPL version of the up-date tool.
Meh- The Codeplex Foundation -Microsoft haven't really managed to gain traction either competingwith or working with open source. The Microsoft-cre-atedCodeplex Foundation has not only received a coolreceptionf-rom the community at large but, to date, not even met their 100 daygoals of appointing a new board and finding someone to lead the"commercial/open source" advocacy organisation.
Win - Android's Rise -With Chrome/Chromium, Chrome OS and otherwebrelatedopensource projects coming out of Google, it has been a good year forGoogle's contributions. But the big win in 2009 for Google and foropen source has been the rapid advance of Android as an operatingsystem for smart phones and other mobile devices. 2008's mediocrelaunch of the Linux-powered phone OS was surpassed in 2009 with awide range of devices running the OS, new versions of Android and arapidly growing developer community.
Meh- Android's Secret Heart - Evenwith the success of Android, there come problems. Google has adoptedan oddly closed development model with Android which sees themdevelop in-house and then release versions of finished code as opensource. Many in the developer community around Android feel thisdoesn't make for a level playing field.
Fail- Google Wave - GoogleWave was given a biglaunch, but the realtime collaboration system wasn't really readyfor the spotlight. A slow, confusing and incomplete user interfacehas already put a lot of people off using Wave, despite the enormouspotential of the underlying technology.
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