TheH Year: 2009's Wins, Fails and Mehs - Web Battles
Bàiđược đưa lên Internet ngày: 31/12/2009
Win- Google's Chrome and the return of browser competition - The 2008 arrival of Google's Chrome brought more active competitionin the open source web browser world. With the Linux and Mac ports ofChrome appearingin 2009, the Google browser has been shaping up to give all thebrowser makers some real competition. Mozilla's future plans forFirefox include a lookand feel like Chrome, and processseparation, like Chrome. HTML5 is also driving developmentforward as both Google and Mozilla work to make the browser aself-sufficient environment for future web applications.
Fail- Flash and PDF Insecurity - Butwhile browsers try and become more self contained, plugins such asAdobe's Flash and Acrobat have become much more likely to betargetted as vectors for malware. Many holeshavebeen fixed over the year. Although Adobe have now adopted a moreregular security up-date cycle, there are plenty of olderversions of the plugins still installed. If there was only aneasy way to check...
Win- Up-date Checking - Firefox3.5 took a stepforward to address the issue of out-of-date vulnerable plugins byadding a web-based check on plugins to help users at least have themost up-to-date versions of their browser plugins. The H alsolaunched TheH Up-date Check for users of Windows based browsers which checksnot only the user's plugins, but also applications which may becalled up by the browser.
Meh- Mobile Firefox/Fennec - Despiteall the activity in the open source mobile space, Mozilla's mobileweb browser isstill not with us and isn't promising anything remarkablewhen it does arrive. Mozilla need to get a good mobile browser out; amonoculture based around WebKit (as used on the iPhone, Android andChromeOS) could be far f-rom ideal for innovation.
Failand Win - The Intrusion - site was takenoffline in August after an SSH key compromise allowed attackersinto the system. An unfortunate fail, but at least the damage waslimited. In the course of investigating what happened, the ApacheInfrastructure Team produced a detailedreport on what went wrong which made it clear what happened, whatwas affected and what lessons the team and other administrators couldlearn f-rom the intrusion; a real win in demonstrating howtransparency over incidents can help improve security.
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