TheH Year: 2009's Wins, Fails and Mehs - Linux and other open source
Bài được đưa lênInternet ngày: 31/12/2009
Win- A year of mostly good Linux releases - Distributionsevolved well in 2009 with the release of Ubuntu9.10, Fedora12, openSUSE11.2 and Debian5.0 Lenny, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You mayhave your particular favourite, but no one can say that the majordistributions haven't kept up with the latest developments. Ofcourse, there is a price to pay for that...
Fail- Ubuntu 9.04 - Butfor every good step forward, there's a mis-step. Most notabledistribution mis-step in 2009 was Ubuntu9.04 which arrived with some severeissues with Intel based graphics. A combination of a transitionto a new way of handling graphics hardware and Ubuntu's fixedschedule led to some new users of Ubuntu having a far f-romsatisfactory experience. Workarounds and, six months later, Ubuntu9.10, fixed the problem but damage to the reputation for solidreleases has been done.
Win- VLC 1.0, Seamonkey 2.0 and KDE 4.3 - Thevery popular open source, and cross platform, VLC media playerfinally reached version1.0 status. KDE 4.3, the desktop environment, was releasedand met with general approval, with the KDE developers delivering astable version of the software which could finally entice KDE 3.5users to upgrade. The Mozilla developers also deliveredSeaMonkey 2.0, the all-in-one browser, email, newsgroup, IRC andHTML editing application, which is in many ways the spiritualsuccessor of the original Netscape Communicator but with a Firefoxheart.
Win- QT goes LGPL - Atthe start of the year, Nokia announcedQt 4.5, the GUI framework, would become LGPL licensed software. Sincethen Nokia has adopted a much moreopen approach to the community.The year ended with a new4.6 release of Qt adding support for animation and multitouchinterfaces making it more amenable to implementing the nextgeneration of user interfaces.
Meh- The Mono Debate - Thedebate over whether Mono - the GPL licensed implementation of the C#language and CLR runtime - should be acceptedas free software and includedinLinuxdistributions has run on over the year. Microsoft's patentpromise did little to dampenthe discussion, but the Mono developers continue workingaway to make their platform better. One al-ternative to Mono is Java,but that is embroiled in another tussle...
Meh- Oracle, Sun, MySQL and the EC -In April, Oracle announced its intention to buy the somewhatfinancially unwell Sun Microsystems, owner of OpenOffice, MySQL andJava. After passing the US regulators, the acquisition came underscrutinyof the European Commission regulators, which led to an in-depthinvestigation in September. At issue was Oracle's proposedownership of MySQL and the case has yet to be resolved, but it hashad ramifications as uncertainty has plagued Sun's numerous opensource projects.
EpicFail - SCO - Thecompany's longbattle against Linux has almost come to an end, with the companyin Chapter 11 under the control of a trustee who has firedDarl McBride, CEO and apparent architect of SCO's litigationstrategy against Linux and Linux users. The fat lady has been singingfor a while for SCO but it's taking a long time for her to finish thearia and leave the stage.
Và điều đó đãđóng lại một số trọng tâm đáng chú ý cũng như nhữngthứ mờ nhạt của năm 2009. Chúcmừng năm mới từ H!
Andthat wraps up some of the more notable highlights and lowlights of2009. Happy NewYear f-rom The H!
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