Nokiato developers: no Qt for Windows Phone development
ByThomas Rickerposted Feb 11th 2011 4:18AM
Bàiđược đưa lên Internet ngày: 11/02/2011
Lờingười dịch: Qt sẽ không còn là khung phát triển các ứngdụng cho Windows 7 Phone nữa, trong khi vẫn tiếp tục choSymbian và MeeGo.
Nokia'sbeen beating the Qt warpath for years after purchasingthe developer framework f-rom Trolltech back in January of 2008.In fact, Nokia just made the switch to Qt exclusivelyback in October in a sign of its unrelenting support for the unifieddevelopment environment. That, like all previous Nokia strategies, isin for a big change today. While Qt will continue on as thedevelopment framework for Symbianand MeeGo, Microsoft will provide its free Windows PhoneDeveloper Tools (Visual Studio 2010, Expression, Silverlight and theXNA Framework) to developers interested in developing for NokiaWindows Phones (get used to that phrase) while providing "guidance"to anyone wishing to port their apps to WP7. In other words, Qt willnot be adapted for Windows Phone 7 APIs. Full letter after the breakto what we imagine is a very disgruntled and previously loyal Nokiadeveloper community.
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